Monday, September 26, 2011



INT. Location-Shawshank Penitentiary Time-Middle of the night

Andy crawling through a sewage pipe barely big enough for a man to fit into. ( Red-" Andy crawled through five hundred yards of shit smelling foulness I can't even imagine. Or maybe I just don't want to.") He stops just for a moment to vomit do to the horrific smell. (Red-" Five hundred yards, that's the length of five football fields, just short of half a mile.") The thunderstorm lights up the sky ask he falls out the end of the pipe into a small pond. He gets up and feels so over whelmed to be free. Hes dragging his only possessions in a small plastic bags tied to his ankle. As he runs through the pond he keeps falling from excitement. He rips of his shirt and lets the rain hit him as he raises his arms and looks toward the sky. (music in this scene is a build up of excitement until then end when he just stands there taking in what hes just accomplished. music fades out to a gentle melody)

Space- He was supposed to be five hundred yards away from the prison and I think this scene showed what the distance looks like, and he had to crawl all that way. The movenment of the camera shot following him through the pond and then finally looking down on him while hes got his shirt of looking at the sky just give you an idea of what that moment would really feel like. His directionality is just to get away from that prison but he can't help but stop and take in that he is actually on the outside. When he stops to take in what hes done it really shows the emotion in his and his surroundings. Listening Modes- There is a definate build up of intensity of the music. It got built up and was kind of a glory things towards the end giving a feeling of accomplishment. Then it fades to a soft casual melody like relief has just be given to him.

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